Moraira Sea Cliffs
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Moraira sea cliffs are some large, imposing cliffs 15 minutes drive north of Calpe. Unfortunately they have had a chequered history with access being totally lost at one point. This was due to a couple of reasons. Firstly archaeological remains were found in the cave and then a rare species of plant, Silene Hifacensis was found.

Access has now been negotiated to a limited number of the previous routes and all future development is totally banned. An official guide has been produced that details exactly which routes are allowed.

Please stick to these limitations as any infringements will obviously endanger any other areas which have access issues. Also there is a new law in Valencia that expressly forbids the climbing in different protected areas, one of which is Moraira so you may find the long arm of the law descending on you.

Chris Craggs on Mellizo Bomba (F5+, F6b), Moraira Sea Cliffs

Thanks to Chris Craggs for this photo

Photo © Chris Craggs


bulletThe cave area is an archaeological site so please treat it with respect, leave no trash and absolutely no human waste. - Thanks to Juan Llorens 
bulletDue to the climbing ban on this cliff please do not put up any new routes. Any bolts on new route will be removed by the Mountain Federation of Valencia (the local governing body).

RockFax Routes Database

Check out the Moraira page of the RockFax Routes Database for details of routes at Moraira. This lists all routes on the cliffs without identifying which have bans so please double check the official guide mentioned above.

Costa Blanca Rock

The Costa Blanca Rock website has an extremely professional topo on the Calpe page. This guide is now somewhat out of date and does not identify the full list of banned routes so please use the official guide mentioned above over this one.

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