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Via Ferrata

The Costa Blanca has long been a tourist destination so there are numerous other activities that you may which to consider. This page will hopefully give you some ideas and details.


There are a number of canyons that can be descended on the Costa Blanca. Check out the Canyoning page for details.


There are a number of spectacular scrambles in the Costa Blanca so check out their details on the Scrambles page.

Via Ferrata

Believe it or not there are now a couple of Via Ferratas on the Costa Blanca. Check out the details on the Via Ferrata page.


I have received several enquiries about walking in the Costa Blanca and although I have not walked myself I have gathered a few details.

There are a couple of guidebooks to the area:
Costa Blanca Mountain Walks Vol1 & Vol2

by Bob Stansfield

Publisher: Cicerone Press

Both can be purchased from Amazon - use the links above.

There is an accompanying website, Costa Blanca Mountain Walks, written by the author himself. This contains interesting introductory pages on the Costa Blanca and its mountains as well as a couple of example walks and an updates page for those things that have changed since publication of the books.

The Hedera Helix website has some useful write ups of walks from the first book to allow you to judge for yourself.

There is an interesting write up, in Spanish, of a walking ascent of the Cabezón de Oro, a mountain to the North of Alicante.

You can buy maps of the area from the Map Shop website. They stock both 1:50,000 and 1:25,000 scale maps for the whole of the Costa Blanca area.

There are some details of trails around Guadalest to be found on the walking page of the Abdet.com website.

Mountain Biking

At the moment I have few details on mountain biking on the Costa Blanca although I do know that the Orange House hires out bikes, helmets, etc and is starting to compile a guide to rides in the area. Check out their Mountain Biking page for further details.

Also there are some details of trails around Guadalest to be found on the mountain biking page of the Abdet.com website.

Check out this article on the Wild Spain website that is written by Rich Mayfield of the Orange House fame. It details some useful local advice.

If anyone has any further information could you email me at [email protected]


The Costa Blanca is made up of limestone so is riddle with the inevitable caves. There are many holes, that as an ex-caver, have beckoned to me as I climbed in various areas.

Espeleo-club COVAK

I have received an email from a local caving club that are open to visitors. They are based in La Vila Joiosa (Villajoyosa) which is just 10km South of Benidorm. Here are their details:

Name: Espeleo-club COVAK

Email: [email protected]

They don't have a website yet so if you want any further details you will need to email them.